Application & Web Development

Utilising the latest techniques and best practice in software design and development, our experienced developers and designers can help your organisation build robust, state of the art, systems.

Specialist skills are available for:

• Application development (Client/Server, n-tier development, legacy)
• Web development (Portals, CMS, CRM, E-commerce, intranet, extranets, internet)
• Communication sofrware and middleware
• Data warehousing
• Graphics design (including web pages/templates, logos, brochures, icons, letter head, banners

We are constantly revising our skill set to ensure that we are up-to-date on industry innovations and standards and hence can pass these on to our customers.
Our current skill set includes:

• Microsoft products (.Net, VB, asp, access, SQL, C, C++, C#, IIS, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, publisher)
• Rocket U2 products ( Universe, Unidata)
• Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Pagemaker, Acrobat)
• Web standards/products including: html, xhtml, javascript, java, php, mysql, xml, css
• Unix shell scripting

Our consultants have a wealth of experience across a broad range of platforms and industries including, Banking & Finance, Health Systems, Government, Human Resources, Payroll, Communications and Manufacturing.

Our approach is to work as a team with our clients to produce systems that they want. We offer our clients bespoke development in two principal ways: as an independent software house, designing and delivering turnkey solutions; and as a skills provider, equipping the client with a consultant with relevant expertise.