Can your business survive a disaster?
We can help you develop a disaster recovery strategy that ensures high availablity of your critical business functions...
Are you getting the maximum benefit from your technology investment?
Infrastructure planning and review is essential to the success of any business...
Our staff have application development experience across multiple O/S , software platforms and paradigms. This includes web-based design...
Whether you have system administration needs or application needs we can help. We provide full support for Rocket U2 multivalue products (Universe / Unidata)..
We have been providing IT services since 1994. Our skills and expertise are across multiple platforms and businesses and include: project management, application development, IT security, system administration, migration, infrastructure planning and business continuity planning.
Our collaborative solution based approach has been the foundation of our success and has enabled us to develop long term trusted partnerships with our clients.
Success of a project is not a matter of luck but requires appropriate planning, scoping and risk management through out its lifecycle. Our managers are experienced professionals and can help you achieve your targets on time and within budget.
We have successfully managed projects including:system migrations, software implementations, application development, upgrades and new installations.
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Managing information security is necessary to ensure business continuity and reduce business damage by preventing and minimising the impact of security breaches.
Any measure must strike a balance between cost, system usability and potential threats. Security risks need be identified, assessed and plans should be put in place to minimse risk exposure.
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